in 1805 at the age of 14 years. It is interesting to note his early acquaint- ance with the Typographical Art, for on his father purchasing a library which contained an imperfect copy of the first folio Shakespeare, he gave this copy to his son, who, having access to a fount of similar type, and abundant fly leaves of the i/th century books which matched the paper, he set up, with the aid of a facsimile copy, and himself printed every missing or defective page, thus perfecting his copy. Afterwards he sold Charles [Knight 97 it to an Eton tutor for a tempting price. He commenced his career in journalism as what is known in journalistic parlance as a " Free-lance." Upon attaining his majority we find that as joint proprietor with his father, in August, 1812, he started the " Windsor and Eton Express," and became its Editor, and in 1815 he married a Miss Vivicombe. Just eight years afterwards, in June, 1820, at the age of 29, we find him migrating to London, and he became Editor and part proprietor of a London weekly paper, " The Guardian," which was sold in 1822. We next find him venturing into the Publishing business; he started as a publisher in 1823 in London. In the summer of 1827 he became involved in financial difficulties, and was compelled to place his affairs in the hands of Trustees. In March, 1828, he became part proprietor of the " London Magazine." He founded in 1832 the " Penny Magazine," which venture proved his most enterprising success, and at the end of the first year had a sale of 200,000 copies. This Magazine was printed by William Clowes on Machines specially made by Applegarth & Cowper, and was the earliest instance of printing Wood-cuts successfully on Machines driven by Steam. We now find him departing into the realm of books, most of which, however, were printed in the form of parts, and issued at cheap prices-