07 Dec

Wood-cut engraving being greatly in vogue at this period, naturally his magazines and books were profusely illustrated by this means. We now come to the period in Knight's career when undoubtedly the fame of Baxter's Colour prints, as a medium for book illustration, arrested his attention. So in June, 1838, we find he patented a Process of Printing Wood-cut blocks, combined with Ground work tint plates, in colours, the Process being carried out upon a special kind of " Press," to which Pro- cess he gave the name of " Illuminated Printing." The friendship which existed between Knight and the Clowes family his daughter had married George Clowes no doubt materially helped him in the invention of this " Press." Apparently it was at first his intention to produce his prints by means of four colours only, which would consist of the Primary Colours of Blue, Yellow, and Red, together with the outline of the picture being printed in black last of all. His " Press " was so constructed that, in place of the usual single " bed," he had a revolving bed or " prism," as 98 Charles Knight he called it, divided into four sections, each section carrying the block or plate, thus allowing each colour to be pulled while the sheet made one passage through the " Press." In an article in the " Quarterly Review " of 1839 (December), a description of Clowes's printing establishment is given, and a fairly lengthy reference is made to Knight's Colour printing method, by which firm it was carried out. The .writer of the article in question described the " Press " as resembling a square box, each of the four sides of which carried a printing plate. Clowes produced the four- colour covers of " Knight's Industrial Library " by this method. Un- doubtedly they would compare their results with Baxter's work, and,

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