WANTS<32WE WILL REPORT REFERENCES ARE SUPPLIED We are prepared to purchase large or small Collections or single Prints in fine condition of genuine Baxter, Le Blond, Bradshaw and Blacklock, and other Licensee Prints We issue at intervals Catalogues of second- hand Books in general Literature, fine sets of standard authors, and modern works of reference. Post Free on Application SCARCE AND RARE BOOKS SEARCHED FOR FREE OF CHARGE. SEND LIST OF WANTS We are always prepared to purchase com- plete Collections or small parcels, or even single copies of scarce or valuable Books I UPTON BROS Booksellers, and I_UI \J\ D1\WO., Rne Art Dealers and Market Hail BURNLEY, LanCS. Telephone No. 34 Established 1870 Telephone and Telegrams: " HOLLAND'S 236 LLANDUDNO" HOLLAND'S 'Prince of Wales' Museum and Antique Galleries ST. GEORGE'S PLACE Specialist in BAXTER PRINTS "GOSS" CHINA AGENCY for LLANDUDNO OLD CHINA 8c. Also the GLASS AND CHINA ROOMS 91, Central Mostyn Street, LLANDUDNO I r*C\\ I I CD 15, BATH STREET