distance it is intended the back ends of the objects shall be from the VP, and through the point set off draw with the tee-square a faint line parallel to the IL, as b, e; then as the objects are assumed to be of the same length, and their front ends (or those nearest the eye) are parallel to their back ends, set off from the line b, e, a distance equal to the length of the objects, and at this distance draw another faint line f, e, parallel to b, e ; then the plans of the front ends of A, B, C, D will, in the HP, be in the line /, e, and of their back ends in the line b, e. From the points 1, 2 of A, in the VP, let fall projectors perpendicular to the IL into the HP, cutting the faint lines b, e and/, e in points 1', 1 ; 2', 2 ; join these by straight lines as shown, and the plan, or horizontal projection of the object, whose MECHANICAL AND ENGINEERING DRAWING 51 \ Fig. 96 52 FIRST PRINCIPLES OF end elevation is A in the VP, is obtained ; for two of the sides am the two ends of the object being vertically disposed to the HP, am their edges only seen from above, their horizontal projections becom< severally the lines 1', 1 ; 2', 2, for the sides, and 1', 2'; 1, 2, for thi ends. The exact shape of the object's upper surface as viewed ii the direction of the arrow, is truly shown in the plan by the dispositioi of its bounding edges obtained by projection. As the plans of the other three original objects represented ii elevation by B, C, D, in Fig. 97, are obtained in the same way as th< plan of A, all the necessary construction lines for obtaining then