07 Dec

either, little difficulty would be experienced in fully understanding the similarity of the two views in tne diagram. The object represented by D in elevation (Sheets 1, 2) is merely a combination of two prisms of different dimensions cut from one solid piece of material, from which a portion is cut off by a plane such as a saw-blade throughout its whole length, the cut being a horizontal one ; and the problem is to show the actual appearance of the remaining part of the post when looked at from above, after the part cut off is removed. To do this, let x y in the elevation D (Sheet 2) be the section plane, as before ; let fall projectors from a and d into the HP, and assuming the back end of the object to be the same distance from the VP as those of the pencil and tube, draw parallel to the IL a line cutting the projectors from a and d in a" d" ; from a", on the pro- jector from a, set off a" d, the length of the thick end of the post which is arbitrary and through d draw a faint line a' d f parallel to a" a" ; then from b and c in the elevation D let fall projectors into the HP, cutting the line drawn through a' d', in b' c, and from these last points set off on their projectors in the points b" c" the length of the small part of the post ; then a line drawn through b" c", parallel to a" d", will give the bounding lines of the plan of the post. For the sectional part of it, let fall projectors from points 1 and 4, and 2 and 3, in the elevation D, the former to cut the line a" d" in points V 4', and the latter the faint line d d' in points 2' 3'; through 1' 4' draw lines parallel and equal to d' d ; and through 2' 3' lines parallel and equal to b' b" ; the surface enclosed by the last drawn lines is that made by the cutting plane x y, and is indicated as such by the section lining. As the post is of solid material, the edges formed by the meeting of its

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