07 Dec

to No. 4 the points obtained by the intersection of the arcs and double ordinates in No. 2, and through them drawing the parabolic curve, as shown. By the same method of procedure as shown in the three foregoing problems, the projection of any possible plane section of the cone can be obtained. Nor is the method confined to the sections made by a plane : MECHANICAL AND ENGINEERING DRAWING 111 it is equally applicable to those producing a curved sectional surface. As an example in this direction, take the following as a problem- Problem 53 (Fig. 154). Given the front elevation of a cone, and the curve of the line of section, to find the sectional elevation of the same. Let No. 1 (Fig. 154) be the given elevation of the cone, and LS the curved line of section. Take, as in the previous problems, any con- venient number of points in LS, No. 1, and through them draw lines parallel to the base of the cone. Draw in the plan of the cone No. 2, and let fall into it, parallel to the axis, projectors from the points taken in LS, No. 1. With a, No. 2, as centre, draw arcs as before, cutting the vertical projectors from the points in the curve in No. 1 in corre- sponding points in No. 2. Then, to find the elevation of the curved section, draw in the outline of the cone as in No. 3, and the projectors from the points in LS, No. 1 ; upon these set off the length of the double ordinates previously found in No. 2, and through the points so obtained draw in the closed curve shown in No. 3. The plan of the section found in No. 3 is obtained in precisely the same way as in the previous problem- viz., by transferring the points found in No. 2 to No. 4, and drawing through them the closed curve as shown therein. 49. In a previous paragraph reference is made to the question of

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