" ftituent Aflembly." The fecond is called the " Legiflative Aflfembly ;" and the third Icgiflature is called " the National *' Convention/' * HISTORICAL EPOCHS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 1787. March, 1 HE Aflembly of Notables firfl: convened under the miniftry of Monf. de Calonne, comptroller-general of the finances. 1788. Augujl. Monf, Necker replaced at the head of the finances on the difmifiion of Monf, de Calonne; and Monf. de Lomenie, arch- bifhop of Tonloufe, made prime minifter. AW. Monf. Necker perfuades the King to call the Notables together a fecond time. 1789. January, Letters ilTued in the name of the King for an aifembly of the States-general. The clergy to depute 300 reprefentatives, the nobility the like number, and the com- mons 600. May 5. Opening of the States-general at Verfailles. June 17. The chamber of the Tiers-Etat (commons) declares itfelf a national aifembly. B c 2 :•