07 Dec

is attacked, and taken by ' the populace ; 14. Monf. de L'Aulnay, the governor, falls a viftim to the fury of the affailants. Bertier, C 3 ] intendant of Paris; Foulon, fecretarjr of ftate; and deFleffelle, prevot dcsMarchands, (foraewhat like mayor of Paris) are mafTa- cred. From this period the 'maxim was adopted, " that infurreftion was the mod facred of duties." ^ 15. T^e King goes to the aflembly to confer with it upon the diflurbances of Paris. Many confiderable perfons fly the country. ; 16. The Marquis de la Fayette, and Monfieur Bailly, are nominated, one to command the national guards of Paris, the other to be mayor of Paris. 17. In hopes of quieting the alarming tumults, the King comes to Paris. Bailly harangues him freely at the Hotel de la Ville, and the King receives the three-coloured cockade. Auguji I . Maflacre of the mayor of St. Dennis. 4. Abolition of tithes, and of all feudal rights and privileges. Louis is proclaimed the reflorer of French ' liberty. 7. The King is obliged to recall Necker.

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