07 Dec

Coblentz. yiily 9. M. de Cazeles refigns his place as a deputy. 10. The national guards ordered to the frontiers. 11. The body of Voltaire transferred to the Pantheon. 14. Grand celebration of the anniverfary of this day. 17. Infurreftion in the Champ de Mars — the red flag (the fignal of danger) continues flying a long time. Diforders in the Pays-de-Caux, and at Brie- Compte-Robert. 23. Violent decree againft emigrant nobles. 23. The aflcmbly proceeds rigorouily againil thofe who accompanied the King in his flight. The King himfelf is not confidered fo culpable. All dirtin61:ions of nobility, and all titles, are wholly aboliflied. The miiiifters are required to give an ac- count every ten days to the aflembly of the execution of it3 decrees. C '5 3 The decree on people of colour fpreads con- fternation at St. Domingo. Aiigujl, Money is coined from the metal of the bells in churches. One hundred thoufand livres voted to the

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