07 Dec

and daughters of emigrants to marry fo- reigners. The republicans charge the royalifts with violating the late treaty. The latter retort the charge. The republicans claim the vidory of the 14th ult. The nephew of General Dubois writes a letter full of inveftive and gall againft the convention. All forts of paftry forbidden, on account of the fcarcity of corn. The decree which declares all affignats, bearing the King's buft, to be of no value in future, takes away from private property one milliard, 66^ millions, and 157 thou- fand livres. The expence for public inftru^tion amounts to 300,400,000 livres. C 1^5 ] 20. Romme, Goujon, Duquefnoy, Soubrany, Duroy, and Bourbotte, members of the con- vention, and aftive leaders in the late riots, are executed. 23. BoilTy d'Anglas reads a new conflitution, which the convention propofes to read ar- ticle by article.

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