The Marquis de la Fayette refigns the com- mand of the Parifian guard. C »9 ] The exprellions '■^ftre** and " 7naje/iy," ap- plied to the King, fupprefled by decree. Twenty-one committees formed out of the legiflative aflembly to tranfa^ all bufinefs. Riots at Montpellier. The pi(5lures of the Palace-royal fold for a million ei^ht hundred thoufand livres. a- O 27, Infurre^lion in Alface. 29. Notice given to Monfieur the King's eldefl brother, to return to France, on pain of for- feiture of all his rights, and confifcation. One hundred millions of alTignats ilTued. Diflurbances in Artois and Lower Normandy on account of religious worfliip. The archbifhop of Aufch, and feveral biiliops, brought before the tribunals. 30. Infurreftions in almofl: all parts of the king- dom, on account of the prohibition of reli- gious worfliip. Charrier, ex-conflituent, and nominated by the people as fuccelTor to the Cardinal de Rochefoucault, in the archbiflioprick of Rouen, ailiamed of his ufurpation, abdicates