07 Dec

worn by emigrants. II. Carra propofes at the Jacobin club, that the crown of France be offered to the Duke of York. 15. Plan of a decree for declaring war againft the Emperor. 16. Decreed, that Monfieur has forfeited the re- gency. ' Three hundred millions of fmall affignats iffued, ly. Fire and ravages at Port-au-Prince. Great tumult at Paris on account of the monopoly of fugar and coffee, 19. Fire of La-Force. 21. A conforming pried, his wife, and children, prcfented to the affembly, and loaded with ca- reffes . 27. Summons to the Emperor, to declare whe- ther or not he is willing to live in peace with France, [ ^i ] 31. Decreed, that all travellers in France mud fupply themfelves with a pafTport. Feb. I. Decreed, that all thofe iliall be imprifoned who travel under a falfe name. Eighty-four prifoners, who were confined in the caftle of Caen, fet at liberty.

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