In a minute after this, his head is fevered from his body. A dead filence prevails in Paris. The places of public amufement and all iliorjs are fliut up. His lafl will foon after publiiiied. C 41 ] The minifter Roland, after affifting at the King's execution refigns his office, fo do the deputies Manuel and Kerfaint. 24. The remains of Pelletier are placed with great ceremony in the Pantheon. The French envoy at Naples demands and obtains an audience of the King. The convention decrees, that their army fliall conlill of 502,000 men next campaign. 26: Dumourier leaves Paris for the army, with orders to take Cologne, coft what it may. Liege determines to unite itfelf with France. Paris, who alTaffinated Pelletier, is arrefted, but flioots himfclf. c General mourning at London and Madrid for Louis XVL The convention decrees the union of Nice to the republic of France. The Britifli miniftry fignify to Monf. Chau- velin, who had been ambalTador from Louis XVL that he is no longer to be confider^d