Verfailles, be deflroyed. [ 47 ] Decreed, that plate be confidered as mer- chandize. La Source inveighs bitterly againfl the En- glifli government. It is calculated, that 150 divorces take place every month in Paris fmce the decree. Dumourier caufes the plate to be reftored to the churghes of Belgium, of which they had been plundered. Buzot declaims in the tribune againfl the defpotifm of the convention. 10. Epoch of the counter-revolutions in La Vendee. The French abandon the fiege of William- ftadt. The Auftrian advanced guard enters Tirle- mont, but are obliged again to evacuate it. 16. The States-general reward the garrifon of Williamftadt for their gallant defence. 17. The French and Auftrian armies drawn up in order of battle all day oppofite to each other. 18. Bloody battle of Neerfwinde, which lads the whole day. The French wholly de- feated.