07 Dec

Aug. I. The convention regulates an uniformity of weights and meafures in the republic. It denounces to all Europe the government of l^ngland. Ordered, that the Queen be fent to the or* dinary prifon of the Conciergerie, and given up to the revolutionary tribunal. Chambon moves, that all caftles be erafed from the face of the republic. C 63 J 2. A fire in the arfenal of Huningen. 7. Decreed, that Pitt is the enemy of the hu- man race. ^ 8. All academies and hterary focicties, which had been eftabhflied by letters patent, fup- prSfled by decree. A coloflal flatue of liberty is creeled in the place of that of Louis XV. 14. The new conftitution accepted by the fe^- deres. Decreed, upon the motion of Barrere, that the nation will repair in a mafs to the fron- tiers; this was the origin of requifitions. X 8 . The battle of Lincelles in favour of the allies. The army of the convention enters Mar- feilles, after difperfmg the few troops which that city had ralfed to oppofe it.

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