07 Dec

foon after her head was fevered from her body. Decreed, that the money of France be changed into francs of gold and of filver, and into republicans. Work-hoafes eftablifhed to prevent begging. General Ferrand, writing to the convention an account of his exploits in Arragon and Catalonia, fays, that he experts to plant the tree of liberty on the walls of Madrid next; campaign. c 7' : Prince Cobourg, attacked by the French, raifes the fiege of Maubeuge, and repaffcs the Sambre. 1 7, The French are fuccefsful in Piedmont. It . is announced to the convention, that the intruding bifhop of Moulins officiated in a red bonnet, and with a pike inflead of the crofs and mitre. Every external fign of religion is aboliihed. . The infcription on burying places is, " that *' death is only an eternal lleep." 22. Andre Dumont informs the convention from Abbeville, that he was making the crofs and crucifix to difappear. " I fhall com- " prehend in my profcription all thofe black

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