07 Dec

An attempt is made to affaffinate Tallien, but he efcapes with feme fevere wounds. 10. The flag of the republic of Geneva is re- ceived \nto the convention. Merlin, of Thionville, makes an animated fpeech in the convention againft the ja- cobins. The two ruling parties in the convention are, the partizans of terror, called the Moun- tain, and the Moderates. Protcfts and placarts are fluck up in all parts of Paris againft the defpotifm of the con- vention. 11. The convention decrees that all thofe fhall be fubje(fl to the laws againft emigrants, who quitted France fmce the ift of July 1789, and did not return before the 9th of May 1792.- Decreed, that the nation will pay no more falaries to minifters, or others officiating in any religious worftiip. Morion by Duhem to expel all that remains of the family of Capet from the territory of the republic. Report of Lindet on the ftate of France, in which are marked its dangers, errors, and difafters.

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