place of common executions. The municipality of Nantes forbid all per- fons to drink the water of the river Loire, on account of the Infection from the dead bodies which were victims of Carrier's cruelty. 8. The feventy-one members who had been profcribed by Robefpierre refume their feats in the convention. 11. The French pafs the Waal, attack the Ha- noverians, and retire. 12. Utrecht taken by the French. 19. The Dutch fend commilTaries to Paris to treat of peace. 25. The Auftrians retire acrofs the Rhine. The French pafs the Meufe, having taken fort St. Andre. The Dutch regiments of Ho- henloe and Bentinck lay down their arms. 26, The Englifti quit Bommel, abandoning their artillery. The law which forbad quarters to the En- pliih and Hanoverians is repealed. 3^ C 11^ ] Clundcil furrendcrs to the French. Loizeroles fubmits to be imprifoned and to be put to death in the (lead of his fon.