07 Dec

tion againft the abolition of religious wor- iliip. C "2 ] 14. The French attack the Britifli along their whole line from Arnheim to Amerongen. The Prince of Orange and his fon refolve to quit the Hague. The dates of Holland agree with the French to deliver up their country to them. The fleet of Holland is locked up by the ice, and fhares the fate of the country. An impofition of one million of livres in fpecie is laid upon Liege, and a thoufand livres a day for every day's delay. Hoftages are fent from Liege to Paris. II. Utrecht fummoned and taken without op- pofition. Wurcum, Dorcum, and Dort, taken. 18. Pichegru fends detachments to take pof- feiTion of Leyden, Amfterdam, and the Hague. The Princefs of Orange and her daughter- in-law depart for England. Tallien moves in the convention to put to death all the partizans of the fyftem of ter- ror which covered France with baftilles and fcaffolds.

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