07 Dec

Breda, Bergen-op-Zoom, Gertruydenberg, and Williamfladt, open their gates to the French, upon hearing that Holland was given up. 27. The French generals require that within the fpace of one month Holland Ihall fupply C "3 ] them with 200,000 quintals* of flour, 1,000,000 of rations of hay, 200,000 ra- tions of draw, 1,000,000 bulhels of wheat, 150,000 pair of fhoes, 200,000 fhirts, 20,000 pair of boots, 20,000 coats and waiftcoats, 30,000 pair of breeches, 1 50,000 pantaloons, 50,000 hats, and 12,000 oxen. 28. Duhem ^s ordered to the Abbaye prifon, for faying that ariftocracy and royal ifm were triumphant. He is refufed admittance, there being no room. 31. Report on the finances ftates that the ex- pences of the laft month exceeded the re- ceipt by 218,779,475 livres. Dubois Crance, on the (late of the republic, reports, that eleven hundred thoufand men are under arms. 'eb. 2. A (hip is laid on the flocks at Brefl called " the Avenger of the Country,'* intended to carry 136 guns; 24 feet longer, and 3

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