^vith one another, to be fubmifiive and obedient to their mother, and grateful to her for all the care and trouble (he takes for them out of regard to my memory. I defire them to confider my filler as their fecond moRier. I recommend to my Son, if he has the misfortune to become Ring, to remember that he owes himfelf entirely to his fellow- citizens ; that he muft forget all hatred and refentment, and par- ticularly all that relates to the misfortunes and afflidions that I endure; that he can only make the people happy by reigning according to the laws, but at the fame time, that a King cannot make himfelf refpedled, and do all the good he wifhes, without having the neceffary authority; and that otherwife, being reftraincd in his operations, and not infpiring refpeft, he is rather hurtful than ufeful. I recommend to my fon to take as much care of all thof^ per- fons who were attaclied to me, as the circumftances he may be in will allow him; to recollcft that it is a facred debt which I have contracted towards the children or the relations of thofe who have died for me, and thofe who fufFer for my fake. I know that there are feveral perfons among tliofe who ought to hav^e been at- tached to me, who have not afled towards mc as they ought, and have even been ungrateful towards me; but I forgive them,, (often in time of trouble and confufion, men are not mafters of them- felves) and I beg my fon, if he finds the opportunity, to think only of their misfortunes. I wi(h I could here give a teftimony of my gratitude to thofe •who have fl"ievvn a true and difinterefted afteftion for me. If, or^