07 Dec

doctrines, the law, the life, the inspiration, the hope of Christianity, with your measuring reed. Dp perfect work. Christianity fears nothing from care- ful investigation and thorough scrutiny. It is only the partial observer, the hasty generalizer that excites her apprehension. He who makes such an investigation can make but one report: " The law is holy and the commandments holy and just and good." Not one of the fundamental principles of Christianity will be rejected; every one of them will be approved. 2. The second of these tests is Consistency. Is Christianity consistent? Consistent with its claims as a divine system with; itself; with all known truth? (1). Christianity challenges belief as a divine system. Its great teacher claimed to be divine, and to have come forth from the Father. 132 . A Busy Life. He taught as one having authority. His Apostles claimed to speak in the name of God. Christianity is either divine, or a base imposture from God, or it is a lie. Now, is it worthy of God? Many object to salvation by grace. They affirm that it is unfriendly to godliness and righteousness. They reason on this wise: A holy God cannot save men in a way that will encourage sin. The salvation of a wicked, rebellious and undeserving sinner wholly

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