07 Dec

between Valenciennes and Condé. The garrison of Lisle makes a powerful sortie. Dumourier is allowed no part in the operations against France; at Frankfort he publishes his contempt for Egalité, and respect for his sons. 21. The Elector of Mayence addresses a letter of thanks to his subjects. The bishop of Liege returns to his dominions. The French make themselves masters of Mont-Beliard. America declares for neutrality. Count d'Artois goes to Petersburgh (sic). The Spaniards obtain considerable advantages near Perpignan. The royalists of La Vendée publish a manifesto, against whom the convention orders twenty thousand men to march. Treaty between Great-Britain and Russia; another between Great-Britain and Sardinia. Great disorders at Marseilles and Aix. 28. The archduke Charles makes a solemn entry into Brussels, as governor-general of the Low Countries; 400 citizens draw his coach. Kellerman deposed from his command by the convention. The Emperor reproaches the Elector of Bavaria with his neutrality, in a remarkable note. Engagement between the French and Austrians near

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