Landau. Dampierre declares that only 800 men accompanied Dumourier. Marat suffers himself to be conducted to prison. The revolutionary tribunal acquits Marat; he is conducted in triumph to the convention by the mob, who force themselves into the seats of the members. The commissioners of the convention, at Marseilles, are obliged to fly. The French make a brisk sally from Mayence. An insurrection at Breslau, raised by a taylor, (sic) and not suppressed without cannon. 30. Decreed, that the revolutionary tribunal shall be suspended till the 1st of June next. _May_ 1. Dampierre gives a bloody battle, to keep up a communication between Condé and Valenciennes. Deputies from Nantes require support from the convention; they announce, that the war of La Vendée has already cost the lives of 2000 patriots. 3. The King of Prussia, after several bloody fights, with various success, drives the French from Costheim. Sallies are made every day from Valenciennes; Gen. Mack is wounded in the arm. Great fire in the port and magazines of l'Orient (sic). Twelve hundred millions of assignats issued.