Tuscany to join the allies. Decreed, that natural children shall share inheritances equally with legitimate; provided the parents have no other husband or wife. Spoils and plunder of the churches are daily sent to the convention. The grand master of Malta takes part with the allies against France. Philip Egalité (formerly Duke of Orleans) is guillotined upon the scaffold to which he brought his unfortunate King. Lidon, a member of the convention, shoots himself. Complaints from all parts of want of bread. The inhabitants declare they have only a quarter of a pound of bread each a day. Bailly, first mayor of Paris, guillotined. General Beaulieu defeats the French, and forces them to retreat to Philipville. Ordered, that farmers of the national domains pay their rents in kind. Some persons are ordered to take away by night the shrine of St. Genevieve, the patroness of Paris, and whom the Parisians always respected peculiarly; it is carried to the Mint. 7. Gabet and his constitutional clergy renounce in the convention the sacerdotal character. Madame Roland is condemned to death and executed