07 Dec

Motion by Rhul against the Elector of Bavaria. A deputation of Americans demand the release of their countryman Thomas Payne. The president replies that he is an Englishman. 27. Decreed, that all castles in conquered countries which cannot be used as hospitals shall be burned. Decreed, that sixty-two millions of assignats shall be at the disposition of the war-minister 29. every month. And that 95,000 cavalry be raised for the next spring. 30. Upwards of three thousand peasants, prisoners from La Vendée, are guillotined or shot at Nantes. 31 Perigord Tayleyrand, bishop of Autun, ordered to leave England. _Feb_. 1. Mons. La Borde, the former court banker, and father of La Borde de Merville, an ex-constituent, is forced to purchase his liberty with a large sum of money. The opera of "Toute la Gréce" is in great vogue--the story of it is, that Philip, seeing all Greece rising in a mass, begs for peace; Greece refuses to make peace with a King. Report to the convention, that excellent soap is made of potatoes. 4. Slavery abolished in all the colonies. Pichegru appointed commander of the army of the North in the room of Jourdan.

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