07 Dec

is covered. (4.) Man needs holiness. Christianity was meant to save men from their sins. To this end Christ him- self came, suffered and died, and now administers Walking in ihe Truth. 189 the government entrusted to lirm. "Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse it Avith the washing of water by the w^ord, that he might present to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it might be holy and with- out blemish." Christi^iity gives men a perfect law; there is no defect, to be found in it. It presses upon him the strongest motives. Pleading with him to depart from all iniquity, it appeals to the strongest fears, the brightest hopes, the loftiest aspirations, the most potent sentiments that can exist in the human heart, or operate on the human life. It is impossible to place man under stronger motives to holiness than those which Christianity furnishes. And in addition to all this, it reveals an omnipo- tent helper ; one able to save to the very uttermost. He who imbibes the spirit of Christianity, adopts its principles, and walks by its law, is holy. (5.) Man needs support, comfort and encourage- ment. All this Christianity furnishes. In Christ " all

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