"what that of Charles 1. was for England, I give "my opinion for confinement or banishment.".........O Page 169 Lalande Confinement and banishment..........................O Zangiacomi Confinement and banishment..........................O Michel Confinement and banishment..........................O 24. LA MEUSE (VERDUN) Pons Death...............................................+ Moreau "The safety of the state does not appear to me to "require the death of Louis; I am for banishment."..O Roussel "Far from being dangerous, I think it sound "policy to let Louis live.".........................O Baroche "The judiciary power being no part of my "commission, I vote for confinement."...............O Page 170 Harmand "I cannot bring the punishment from the penal, "code, since you have discarded all the forms "of it. I am therefore for banishment."............O Marquis "I am for provisional confinement.".................O Tocquot Confinement and banishment..........................O Humbert Confinement and banishment......................... O 25. MORBIHAN (VANNES) Lequinio Death...............................................+ Audrein Death...............................................+ Le Hardy "Farewell to the liberty of my country, if we are "to be every thing at once. No! we are not judges. "The death of Kings has never been salutary to