fulness to truth and righteousness require you to speak out. Don't be cowards. Work hard for it. You expect hard work; but work for what you may, let it be in Christ's service and in Christ's cause. I am done; craving your pardon for my mistakes and shortcomings as your friend, guardian and instructor; thanking you for all the joy I have had with you, and help I have received from you in advancing the Master's cause here; remembering that your Senior year has been a year of the right hand of the Son of Man, in our beloved college, and that the class of '77 has indeed been a blessing to it, and praying for you, grace, mercy and peace, I bid you go, gathering assuredly that a covenant keeping God will be with you still, and bless you abundantly. 10 WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED? The answer to this question is of vital importance to two classes; to sinners enquiring after salvation and to the teacher instructing the ignorant. Desir- ing to help both, I write this article. I. We all need salvation because we are sinners, and being sinners, we are by nature, under wrath. We need salvation from wrath, from sin, from trouble, from ignorance, from Aveakness, from many evils.