07 Dec

R The wife of Camile Desmoulins, the journalist G R The wife of Montmoro, the first goddess of reason G R The wife of Hébert, national agent G R Grammont, comedian and adjutant in the army G R Lacroix, commissary of the executive power G R Chevalier de St. Huruge, a flaming revolutionist I L Count D'Aubusson, cordon rouge I R Van Eupen, a Brabanter G L De Sarron, De Gourgues, De Champlatreux and D'Ormessen, all four presidents of the parliament of Paris G L The Marquis de la Roche Lambert I L Madame de Choiseul-Meuse I L De la Borde, banker to the court G R General Hoche I R The Duke de Bethune Charost G L De Beausset, lawful bishop of Alais I R Selle, inspector-general of the military effects of the army G L The, Countess de Montmorin I R General Ramel G R Vincent, national agent G L De Cheville, intendant d'Orleans I L Duval D'Esprèmenil, counsellor of the parliament of Paris and ex-constituent G L Madame Joly de Fleury, lady of the advocate-general G L De Malsherbe, counsellor of state and one of the defenders of Louis G L Mademoiselle de Malsherbe G

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