to you and me as a Saviour, and in him a complete Assurance of Salvation. 101 salvation. Now what is to be done about it? I answer, (1.) Believe this glorious record of the mercy of God, of the work of Christ and the free grant of salvation in him. (2). Take the gift thus freely given, and remember the moment you receive Christ as your Saviour, your Prophet, Priest and King, his salvation in all its fulness becdmes yours, you are complete in him. (3.) Trust in Christ, according to the warrant so plainly given, to impart to you this salvation as you need it. Nov/, if you thus believe the record, thus accept the gift, and thus rest in Christ for salvation as he is offered in the gospel, where will your trouble be? Will it not have vanished? Will you not be at peace, resting in the Lord for salvation? And will not this peace come from looking unto Jesus, and not to yourself? Analyze "trust." It involves three elements — (1.) A person trusting. (2.) A person trusted. ( 3. ) A thing trusted for. But trust for a thing means expectation of that thing. You have money in the bank; you trust in the bank to pay you that money on demand; you expect it and are at rest about it because you have faith in the bank. You have salvation in Christ. God has given you Christ, and assured you that there is a life in him