with you and bless you, and that you may be made a blessing to the church and the world. Your friend, D. A. W. II. Dear Friend: — Yours of the 2J:th ult., asking me to "tell what constitutes a call to the gospel minis- try, or what are the evidences of it,'' has been received. I cheerfully comply with your request. 218 A Busy Life. There is an external and an internal call to the ministry. The former is given by the church. It does not give fitness for the work. The church examines those who profess to have been called of God, and in ordination, orders and ackn(Avledges them as duly authorized to do the work of the ministry. The external call proceeds upon and pre- supposes tlie^ internal, which is of God. To this I ask sj)ecial attention: I. The Lord calls into the ministry only the godly. He selects those whom he would have serve him in the gospel from among the converted, the believing loving and obedient. He does not send the uncon- verted, the unbelieving and the disobedient. Those whom he calls to his service have strong faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal Saviour. The love of Christ constrains them to do what they can for the promotion of his cause ; the love of souls impels