ashamed. Praying that the richest blessings of a covenant- keeping God may descend and rest upon - you, I remain, Yours affectionately, D. A. W. TO A YOUNG MINISTER I. Dear Brother: — I see in the papers that you have been ordained to the office of a minister of the gospel and installed as pastor of a congregation of Christian people. I have thought that I could give you some hints in respect to your work which would be valuable to you, and hence I Avrite you at this time. Your work as a preacher is to teach men the gos- pel of the grace of God. You may, on different occasions, give men instruction on other subjects, but this does not belong to your ministerial work. I have no hesitation in saying that you should con- fine yourself to this grand old subject. In illus- trating and expounding the way of salvation through Jesus Christ you will find ample scope for all your powers, and enough to do to occupy all your time. In respect to the gospel, I desire to impress upon your attention the importance of ascertaining pre- cisely what it is, and of placing it before the people