07 Dec

and Rome. As he proceeds he learns certain knowl- edge of truth, in relation to which "he might dig with toilsome and painful efforts, in the mines of Pagan literature for many long years, without one ray of light shining upon him in these dreary cav- erns." He learns the being and attributes of the Supreme Jehovah, the Creator and Governor of all; the origin of sin the disease that infects us all its nature, its infinite baseness, its eternally ruinous consequences ; the way of deliverance from its power and penalty ; a pure and heavenly morality, the real- ization of which, in heart and life, assimilates man to his God. And all through its sacred pages are scattered motives to the noblest life man can live, drawn from the depths of hell, the heights of heaven, 88 A Busy Life. the remotest eternity. In the former, the student is led up the gorgeous avenues that lead to the tem- ple of Divine truth; he is bidden walk round about it; he is shown its foundations, deep and solid, of massive granite; its pillars of polished marble; its beautiful proportions and lofty turrets. Perhaps he is permitted to stop a moment at the threshold, glance within, and catch a glimpse of the magnificence treasured there. In the latter he is led through its halls, ajong its corridors, bidden repose in its alcoves, at every step shown the beauty and glory that adorn

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