07 Dec

ior or senior classes were required to attend bo^h these exercises. In 1784 it was arranged that none should be required to attend the second exercise but Divinity students. All were required to attend the public lectures. Such was the system followed out at Cambridge for nearly two centuries. The same course was pursued, it is believed, without a single exception, in all the colleges in the United States until the opening of the present century. Every college graduate was well trained in theology. tDo. p. 133. 1 1. p. 319. Do. 274. Claims of the Bible. Ill Even as late as 1809 the legislature of Ohio, in the "act to establish Miami University, declared the promotion of religion and morality to be among the objects contemplated in founding that Institution." Such was the system of education under which the men of position and influence in the early his- tory of our country Avere trained. We know their character. Their history is safe. We revere their memories. In " times that tried men's souls " they were not found wanting. We sigh as we remember that the race of giants is well nigh extinct. A new order of things began to be introduced about half a century ago. Religious instruction was

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