07 Dec

in the prophets; the story of blood in the gospels; the philosophy of blood in the epistles; and the tri- umph of blood in the apocalypse. It offends them. They sneer at it as a bloody religion. They turn 134 A Busy Life. from it in disgust. But why ? The blood of Christ is the symbol of his obedience unto death. His death was not for himself. Upon him with the con- sent of the Father, and with his own consent, were laid the iniquities of us all. " He bare our sins in his own body on the tree." He took our place, and suffered " the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God." Now what is there in this unwor- thy of God? He .will save none at the expense of justice. The Judge of all the earth must do right. But in the Son we find a willing substitute for his people, bearing their sins and redeeming them. Men are familiar with the idea of substitution. It is everywhere seen in the arrangements of society. One man does for his friend, what that friend cannot do for himself. The security pays the debt of the principal. Everywhere blessings come to the un- worthy through the mediation of the worthy. God has imbedded this principle in the constitution of man and of society. We find it fundamental in Christianity. Is it therefore not of God? Is it unworthy of him to provide and accept a substitute

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