07 Dec

What means the crowded meetings for prayer all over the land ? Thronged not with the ignorant, the superstitious, the fanatical, but with the intelligent, the thoughtful and the practical men and women who waste no time on that which does not pay. The increasing millions of praying Christians are gather- ing hosts of witnesses to the power of prayer. Prayer is answered. Let these examples suffice. Christianity stands the test of experiment. What then is the conclu- sion of the whole matter? Pure reason finds no fundamental principle false; every axiom involved in it, it pronounces true. It is consistent with its claims as a Divine religion; with itself; with all known truth. It is suited to man and to the ends which it was intended to accomplish. It is superior to all competing systems. There is nothing better. It is this or nothing. It stands the test of experi- ment. On trial, it proves itself all that it claims to be. Is it any wonder that John wrote to the well beloved Gaius in the terms of my text '? Is it any wonder that Monmouth College should have no greater joy than to hear that her children are walk- ing in the truth? And now my dear Seniors, suffer a word of exhortation: Study this heaven-born system of Walking in the Truth. 145

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