07 Dec

afterwards at Fairview, Ohio. John McClenahan was a ruling elder in the Fair- view congregation for about thirty years. He pos- sessed strong mental powers, a good memory and a great taste for reading, and thus secured a vast fund of information upon the history of the church. He wrote a number of articles for the press, some of which appeared in "The Preacher," now ''The United Presbyterian." John Wallace, the father of David Alexander, was born in Belmont county, Ohio. His mother, Jane McClenahan, was born in county Down, Ireland. Karlji Work. She was eight years of a'<j^e when her parents came to America. They were married, June 14, 1825, when they settled on a farm near Fairview. John WaUace was a ruling elder in the Fairview congre- gation of the Associate Reformed (Miurcli for over twenty years: first under the pastoral care of the Rev. Samuel Findley, D. D., afterward under that of the Rev. Hugh Forsythe. He died April 20, 1850. His pastor, the Rev. Hugh Forsythe, writes: "He was a man of good sense, sound judgment, very judicious and very prudent. He was kind hearted. lu cases of discipline, if he erred at all. it was on the side of mercy. I suppose he had more influence over me than any other member of session. He had

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