07 Dec

Christian, an active Christian. Take your place in the Sabbath-school at once. If you are not needed as a teacher, enter the Bible class, and make all you can out of it. You will find many earnest Christian men at college. Become intimate with them. You may get much good from them. In all respects, study to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Christ. But my sheet is full and 1 must close. May the Lord bless you and make you a blessing. Yours affectionately, D. A. W. TO A THEOLOGICAL STUDENT. I. DEAR FRIEND: The time is drawing near when you will enter formally on the study of theology, as preparatory for the office and work of a minister of the gospel. This is a very important era in your life. It is hardly possible for you to pass through it without more than ordinary though tfulness. My object is to suggest to you a few things worthy of your attention just now: Be sure you are a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Without this assurance you will have but little enjoyment in your work either as a student or a minister. But fully persuaded that you have been born again; that you are in Christ; that you are a saint of the Most High; that you have been called

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