07 Dec

I have no hesitation in saying that you should con- fine yourself to this grand old subject. In illus- trating and expounding the way of salvation through Jesus Christ you will find ample scope for all your powers, and enough to do to occupy all your time. In respect to the gospel, I desire to impress upon your attention the importance of ascertaining pre- cisely what it is, and of placing it before the people with the utmost fulness and clearness. One would think that the most careless reader of the Bible 15 (226) 226 A Busy Life. could not fail to know the gospel exactly. Yet, if you will talk a little with Christian people of aver- age intelligence, and note carefully statements which you will see in print and hear from the pulpit, you will find prevalent very indistinct and inadequate views of the subject. The preacher undertakes to prescribe for the spiritual diseases of his people, and lie ought to make his prescription correct in every particular. Study the subject carefully. Go to your Bible. Examine every scripture that bears on the gospel, every illustration of it, every allusion to it. Be sure that you have the full Bible doctrine. Beware of taking a part for the whole ; of confound- ing things that differ, and of making distinctions

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