07 Dec

1782 (Written), 1845 (Revised) Transcriber's Note This is the sixth volume of the six volumes of Edward Gibbon's History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire. If you find any errors please feel free to notify me of them. I want to make this the best etext edition possible for both scholars and the general public. I would like to thank those who have helped in making this text better. Especially Dale R. Fredrickson who has hand entered the Greek characters in the footnotes and who has suggested retaining the conjoined ae character in the text. Haradda@aol.com and davidr@inconnect.com are my email addresses for now. Please feel free to send me your comments and I hope you enjoy this. David Reed Chapter LIX: The Crusades.--Part I. Preservation Of The Greek Empire.--Numbers, Passage, And Event, Of The Second And Third Crusades.--St. Bernard.-- Reign Of Saladin In Egypt And Syria.--His Conquest Of Jerusalem.--Naval Crusades.--Richard The First Of England.-- Pope Innocent The Third; And The Fourth And Fifth Crusades.-- The Emperor Frederic The Second.--Louis The Ninth Of France; And The Two Last Crusades.--Expulsion Of The Latins Or Franks By The Mamelukes. In a style less grave than that of history, I should perhaps compare the emperor Alexius [1] to the jackal, who is said to follow the steps, and to devour the leavings, of the lion. Whatever had been his fears and toils in the passage of the first crusade, they were amply recompensed by the subsequent benefits which he derived from the exploits of the

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