07 Dec

practical serrac^ns, the great principles of the Gospel for the encouragement and building up in knowledge, faith and righteousness the characters of the (Uirist- ian students; while by the same means and by ear- nest personal appeal, he sought to lead the unwary to Christ. Again, we early find him mastering the details of his college work in the "Class-books," "Monthly Reports," and "Annual Record.'' AYhen the writer of this came into his connection with the college in 1858, he found the president himself keeping all the records: audit required a year's apprenticesliip of good behavior to persuade to the transfer of the bui'- '24 A Busij Life. dens of this clerical work, so jealous was Dr. AYall- ace of all the interests of the college, and so thought- ful of the minutest details of its management. Thus, in the earlier years of the college, our friend was president, professor, financial agent, pastor, preacher, tutor, and registrar. While giving himself to the work in this wliole- hearted manner, the war came upon us, and, while yielding to the inevitable, he carried out his oft-enun- ciated motto: "We must educate in war as well as in peace.'' He was ready for war or for peace. To those who were prepared and willing to go to battle, he said, "Go, and God bless you and keep you;" to

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