07 Dec

live in a chaotic world ruled by chance. In vain we look for the sixty-fold harvest on the wayside, or the shallow ground. The fruitful character has drawn its nourishment from the eternal sunshine, the gracious rain, and the good soil, unchoked, as truly as the abundant yield in nature is the product of unimpeded, elemental forces with this difference only : in nature, choice is not there. The grain is passive. It has no will of its own. In personality, the fruitful life has exercised choice ; has listened to reason and conscience; has willed faith; and has consciously chosen to be responsive to God and the gracious influences of His divine spirit. Human life is a garden, or a desert waste, just as there has been a will or no will at one with moral truth of God. And as the broadest and deepest rivers are those having their source high up amid the immaculate snows of the everlasting hills, so personality is broad and deep, strong and beautiful, joy- IO LETITIA GREEN STEVENSON ous and life-giving, just as it remembers its eternal source and consciously feels itself reaching back and up in unbroken con- tinuity to God. THE LITE IDEAL "We are gathered here to pay honor to such a life. A life issuing from God, a life never forgetting its Source, a life that was as silent and deep, as unostentatious, and almost as self -for- getful in its flowing as the river ; a life, along whose course from the beginning to its union with the great sea, flowers of love bloomed, and all beautiful deeds of kindness sprung into being as naturally as violets grow on grassy banks. Knowing Mrs.

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