07 Dec

life of her charming personality, while the four years of her wise and inspiring leadership of the Daughters of the American Rev- olution furnished striking evidence of commanding executive, diplomatic and constructive ability. The fact that Mrs. Stevenson and Mrs. Scott, two sisters liv- ing in the same town, were both elected and reelected to the high- est office in the gift of women of America is unique in the history of our organization, while their splendid administrations have added new lustre to the Society which has so signally honored them. The passing of our beloved second President General, whose impress on this Society was so potent in its formative years, and whose love and interest in it has never flagged, will bring genuine grief to thousands of Daughters all over this country who had an abiding love and reverence for this strong and gracious spirit, liETITIA GREEN STEVENSON I $ whose life was a supreme embodiment of radiant, self -forgetful womanhood. Physically, mentally and spiritually, she was like a flower. To her it was natural to be sympathetically tactful and wisely helpful to all with whom she came in contact, as it is for a rose to exhale its sweetness. No one who has been privileged to know her, be it ever so slightly, has failed to feel if not entirely to comprehend that here indeed was one of those gifted souls who has pushed up and back the boundaries of our poor human nature and revealed to us some of the rarer, higher and more exquisite potentialities of the race. Almost the last act of Mrs. Stevenson's life was the comple-

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