07 Dec

everyone with the utmost kindness and courtesy. "When Mrs. Stevenson retired from active official duty in the club, as a token of appreciation for her invaluable services and esteem for her many virtues of both head and heart, she was made President Emeritus, by unanimous consent, an honor that has been conferred upon no other president. "Throughout a long and eventful life our beloved friend held many important official and social positions, and it is known to all that she discharged every duty that came to her with ability, tact and kindness, which gained for her a distinction throughout our land unsurpassed by any other woman of her time. While she was known and appreciated by the intellectual and social circles beyond the limits of her own state, it was here in Bloom- ington, at her own home, where the greater part of her beautiful life was spent, that she was most dearly loved and will be longest remembered. "The members of this club, who knew her so intimately and well, are deeply grieved at her death and join with those nearest and dearest to her in mourning her loss. ' ' GERTRUDE L. FIFER, MARIAN SMITH, RUTH MELLUISH, Committee. FROM THE D. A. R. MAGAZINE, MARCH, 1914 Shortly before the death of Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson, former President General and much loved and honored woman, there came from the press a little book which reached her many friends

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