that should briefly embrace the more important points in the history of the society. She had not intended to write an ex- haustive treatise of all that has been done and planned. As she says in her preface : "Such a work would take more years to complete than re- main to me upon earth, and tomes of ponderous volumes that no mortal in these strenuous days could take time to read. It may be that in coming years, when my pen is laid aside and my voice is still, that many of the 'Daughters' will turn trust- ingly to these pages for facts, which I shall endeavor to make authentic. In a spirit of perfect fairness and impartiality, at peace with all the world, with 'malice toward none and charity for all, ' I transmit to the future as well as to the present mem- bers of the National Society, these words of truth, in so far as I have been able to gather the facts. ' ' The book is dedicated by its author to Letitia Green Stev- enson Chapter of the D. A. R. of Bloomington. AT A MEETING OF THE LETITIA GREEN STEVENSON CHAPTER D. A. R. HELD IN BLOOMINGTON, JANUARY 8, 1914, MRS. CAPEN PRESENTED AND READ THE FOLLOWING RESOLU- TIONS: "Your committee, appointed to prepare and present a trib- ute to the memory of Letitia Green Stevenson, who, on Christ- mas night, passed to the better land, respectfully report : "Our chapter was organized by her and to her constant labors and oversight we are brought to our present prosperity LETITIA GREEN STEVENSON 19