love and praise, tributes from friends and fellow workers of our beloved and lamented Honorary President General, Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson. These expressions denote but in a small way the far reaching extent of her sweet influence. While from North, South, East, and West, come messages of love for her with sorrow for her loss, we, of her own chapter, mourn her loss as the inner circle, the home of friends in whose hearts she is forever enshrined. We, Daughters of Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter, can in no way do too great honor to the sacred memory of her whose name we bear. Her spirit of patriotism inspired the organization of this chap- ter, whose interest she always bore upon her mind and heart. Constantly forgetful of herself and oftentimes at a sacrifice of her own physical strength, she helped us in many ways, and was 22 LETITIA GREEN STEVENSON always determined to give her best. Her ear was ever alert to hear our needs, her wise counsel always given. She not only loved the work. She loved us. How often have we been the happy recipient of her kind and gracious hospitality, in her own beautiful and well ordered home. How often by her gentle loving words, were we cheered and strengthened, leaving her presence with feelings of gratitude, rev- erence and love, for her who was not only the center and joy of our chapter, but also of her peaceful home. From her, we gained inspiration for greater effort, for better home making, for broad- er charity.