07 Dec

NIA, WHO WAS FOR TWENTY YEARS PASTOR OF THE SEC- OND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF BLOOMINGTON; CONTRI- BUTES HIS LOVING APPRECIATION OF MRS. STEVENSON'S LIFE AND CHARACTER I have been informed by your Eegent that it is your purpose to hold a memorial service in honor of that blessed woman for whom your chapter is named, and who has lately departed out of this world ; and I have been requested to send a tribute to her memory to be presented at this meeting. I am thankful for the privilege of laying a modest chaplet on the grave of this honored and beloved woman. And I beg you to accept what I here say as coming from myself not only, but no less from my dear wife, who has been deeply and tenderly at- tached to Mrs. Stevenson for many long years. Indeed, it voices the feelings of all my children, too, who were taught from their earliest childhood to hold her in the highest respect and admira- tion. I have known Mrs. Stevenson for more than forty years. When I made her acquaintance she was in the bloom and beauty of her early wifehood and motherhood. I soon came to regard her with great admiration for the singular charm of her per- sonality, and with warm appreciation of the uncommon grace, beauty and nobility of her character. These feelings grew in depth and strength through all the passing years, and were never more alive than at the end. Mrs. Stevenson was well-born and well-bred. Through a line of worthy progenitors, she inherited integrity, valor and gentle

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