07 Dec

in Florence. If the French are right in saying " le style c'est rhomme" it is in his works these words are best verified. Pre-occupied with no sterile reasoning, busy with no research after philosophic ideas, never seek- ing in literature the inspiration of his art, he is above all and before all painter who approaches nature with a frank sincerity before which she opens to him her most profound secrets, while he interprets them with a force so completely victorious over every difficulty of technique that the effort appears to be to him but as child's-play, and his utterances but a further mani- festation of her intimate mysteries. Del Sarto is represented in most European capitals ; but the greater number of his pictures have been so much 1C034S1 vi PREFACE retouched, if not repainted, that very little of their original spirit remains. In Berlin, Paris, and Madrid an unmistakable local touch has found insidious place and metamorphosed his pre-eminently Florentine genius, giving to it here a German character, there a French, and to the Madrid pictures a Spanish air, which is wholly alien to their original being. It is in Florence alone that del Sarto can be judged, because there only he is seen in all his splendour, in

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