07 Dec

of rejoicing it would be, for he was a man whom it was a delight to honor. But we have come with sadness and tears to take leave of him, and to perform for him the last rites of earth. 48 ADLAI EWING STEVENSON "It is an occasion of sorrow. Bloomington mourns, the state and the nation mourn, friends are bereft and loved ones are bowed in grief. His life among us gave happiness and conferred distinction, his presence brought cheer, his words mingled wis- dom and kindness, his genial humor beguiled us in the social hour. We are all poorer because of his decease. This is also an occasion of peace and comforting memories. He sleeps in our presence in the quiet majesty of death, his spirit having returned to God. We recall with pride and greatest satis- faction that after a long life and a distinguished public career his name is handed down to his family and to his country un- tarnished by a single discreditable or dishonorable act. Upon the record of his private and public life his name shall remain a synonym for honor, justice and integrity. We recall, too, that he walked in the light that does not fail. Early Christian teachings did not depart from him. He paid sin- cere reverence to the things of God and ever listened to the voice of an enlightened and sensitive conscience. For him, life was more than fame ; the soul than the things that a man possesses. Every pastor of this church had in him a loyal parishioner, a kind and helpful friend, and he was ever ready to give a hearty word of encouragement. He was charitable toward the failings of others. In the unfailing light of revelation he lived, and in its

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